Iara Guedes is a multimedia artist living and working in Europe since 2014. Her works have been presented in Berlin, Paris, Milan, Madrid, New York, Montevideo and São Paulo.
As an interdisciplinary artist, experimenting is essential in her process. Born in São Paulo, Brazil, of Japanese and Lebanese origin, the artist considers herself a hybrid creature, migrant, and in process, and this reality is reflected in her work, whether conceptually, psychologically, practically, or visually. Her practice dissolves boundaries between performance, dance, and theater through the influence of Japanese Butoh, and is strongly marked by improvisation, a technique the artist believes provides an almost metaphysical experience for both audience and performer. Guedes adds digital effects to her works in video and photography, building immersive, cathartic, and anthropophagic experiences.
She studied dance and performance at the University of Communication and Arts-PUCSP.
Her interest in animation and its possibilities with performance began in 2004, when she dedicated herself to learn computer graphics and related technologies to create an environment where live performance could be incorporated. In parallel to her performance and dance studies, she graduated Digital Cinema at the International Academy of Cinema and Animation at Melies School.